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About Tierra Firma

Our team's combined 50 years of experience will accelerate your success and provide validated data driven, proprietary assessment tools in the areas of resilience-thinking leadership, design thinking, assessing toxic workplaces, assessing perceived versus “ real” value, design thinking, toxic behavior assessments, 360 feedback, and leadership collaboration studies. TF has consistently provided high quality solutions that are uniquely tailored to meet complex client requirements and address high priority organizational challenges. TF applies proven data driven leadership principles to craft comprehensive solutions that are characterized by in-depth research, organizational strategic assessments, and flexible approaches tailored specifically to our clients unique needs. Our capacity building approaches are carried out through two dimensions:

The Performance

• Leadership & Executive Development Programs
• Resilience Thinking Leadership
• Strategic Planning & Training Initiatives
• Toxic Behavior Assessments Tools and Techniques for Overcoming them
• Design Thinking Strategies
• Strategies for Measuring Perceived versus “Real” Value
• Key Performance Indicators
• Knowledge Retention Initiatives

The Operational

• Organizational Assessments of Operations & Capabilities
• Strategic Audits
• Organization Development Program(s) Management
• Leadership Program Analysis and Evaluation
• Strategic Assessments
• Quantitative and Qualitative Research, Reviews, Analysis, and Recommendations
• Analysis of Knowledge Management Practices & Processes